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ContraPloy Card Game - How to Play

This is not so much a game of grand strategy, as one of seizing tactical opportunities.  Here are some general principles:

  • Hidden cards are more valuable than exposed cards.
  • Cards with good terrain in front of them are more valuable than cards with bad terrain in front of them.
  • All things being equal, try to exchange less valuable cards for more valuable cards.
  • Try not to pile too many cards onto the board.  You are relinquishing your stealth.
  • Avoid predictability.  When an opposing card approaches, sometimes attack it; sometimes refrain from attacking.
  • Observe the defeated & removed cards.  If your opponent has few cards remaining of a certain color, try to engage him on that color.
  • Likewise, try to balance your card usage, so that you do not become weak in a color.

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Copyright 2021 Jim Swift